Monday, May 17, 2010

It's go time!

Well, we've made the decision to go ahead with the C-Section tomorrow, May 18th @ 9:30 pst. At this point our OB is comfortable where we are at with the pregnancy especially since we're past 34 weeks and have gotten steroid shots to help lung development. The chances at a healthy outcome are very, very good at this point and it is time to have a healthy delivery so we can shift the attention onto Kris getting well. She's put her physical and mental well being on the line for 3 months while her symptoms consistently increased, which is on top of the usual challenges of pregnancy to boot. The surgeons have expressed an urgency to get on with her surgery as soon as possible, so the time is now!

She'll always be my hero for what she has endured for our son. Her time to get well is coming soon!

Can't wait to introduce our little man to you very soon.



  1. Thoughts and prayers with you all! Wishing you every happiness that a new baby brings :)

  2. Thinking of you guys and can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family! You will both be in my prayers tomorrow and CANNOT WAIT to hear about his healthy arrival! :) Kris- you are a role model to us ALL and I am so excited you get to meet your son tomorrow...and will be able to start down the path of doing what you need to do to for your health! So excited for you guys!!!

  3. Hey Kris and Mike- good luck in the am- lucky boy he is to be born into your family:)Can't wait to meet him! Love ya! Jess and kids

  4. I cannot wait to meet him too!!!!!!! Good luck and prayers your way. Do you have an address where we can send stuff????

    Love you all so much and can't wait to see you when you return home happy and healthy!!!!
