Very exciting news indeed!
Kris is doing well too, and obviously her spirits have been lifted with him moving even closer to us. Her mobility continues to improve from the C-Section and she's walking around more now. She still has symptoms from the tumor, but they have eased some as compared to pre-delivery. Her neuro team has checked her out here in the hospital and they see no reason for any concern or haste in moving up her surgery. As of now, we're still on for June 4th, but we'll let you know if that changes of course.
Thanks for all the support and well wishes, they're greatly appreciated!
Can I come to Parker's party? I'll bring him some snack packs! And we can play kickball. "This one's going to the moon baby!"
ReplyDeleteWow! That is great news. What a handsome little boy :) And, yes, Billy Madison parties would be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you! I will keep my prayers and happy wishes going your way! Let me know if there is anything I can do. I am going out to LA June 5th-June12th.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't remember who I am, I am the daughter (Mandi) of Denise. Who is Michael's cousin. Michaels aunt, Dolores, was my grandma. Geezs that sounds so... distant relative! lol. But I was at your guys beautiful wedding. Tell Kris for me that I believe that she will get that happy-future hoping feeling back in her relationship with Michael.
Love, Mandi Gordon
So many activities! I love it. I'm so amazed at Parker's strength and progress at such a young age. Sure to be a genius ahead of his time. And at this rate, I predict a successful future in the iron man competition.
Tricia & Jason