Today was a glorious day as we all walked out of the hospital as a family. OK, so hospital policy requires patients to be wheeled out and Parker is still a few weeks away from walking, but you get the idea.

It feels great to be back in the comforts of our home away from home, much more spacious fo sho. I know Kris is thoroughly enjoying the nap she's getting in a real bed right now, without some eastern European nurse barging in to take vital signs or whatever the inconvenience of the hour happens to be. Don't get me wrong the people at Cedars-Sinai were outstanding, I'm just saying that hospitals just aren't all that awesome for extended stays is all. But I digress....
We're all really happy now, and we can rest a little for a few weeks while we prepare for phase 2: Tumor extraction. We're anxious to get Kris on the better side of this tumor, but the surgery is still a very scary endeavor.
It'll be pretty quiet here for a few weeks so you probably won't here much from me until the date of June 4th draws near. Perhaps in the meantime I'll try and convince Kris to put some of her thoughts down on paper for a different perspective on all this.
Special shout out to the help on the ground hear in LA: my great aunt Myrtle who lent us her car (for our entire stay!), my cousins Nancy & Mary who delivered the car and lent their car seat/stroller system, Amanda Carpenter who cooked and gave us rides (looking forward to you visiting more if you're reading this), Kris' co-worker Billy who lent us some baby gear, the ANA folks who gave Kris and Kaye rides before I got here, the list goes on.... We couldn't feel any more comfortable away from home and it has a lot to do with these folks.
Thanks for listening and thanks again for the support.