Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kris improves her street cred

I am really suprised and pleased at the scar. They shaved very little hair and the incision is a lot neater smaller than I was expecting.

Sorry if you're squeemish.


  1. Wpw, this is way smaller than I expected. The ones I saw online were way longer and came out from the hair line and down the neck. My vote for telling nosy, obnoxious people what the scar's from: knife fight. Or she could say she's one of those crazy people you hear about that go into the doctor saying they have a headache and they do an x-ray and there's a 10 inch nail stuck in their skull.

  2. WOW. That is amazing. I didn't know what to expect but how COOL that it is so discrete! You are totally from the streetz now K Money. :)
